Schema Therapy Systems
Schema Therapy Training Programme
International Society of Schema Therapy
UK Certification Criteria
Access to UK, ISST-approved Schema Therapy certification training programmes is open to applicants who are already qualified practitioners ‘licenced’ to provide one-to-one psychological therapy to clients. Such candidates will have graduated from a counselling, psychotherapy or applied psychology training programme run by an approved professional body. The training programme will have included research and significant amounts of supervised one-to-one clinical practice within the adult population, culminating in accreditation with that regulatory body, conferring the right to practice one-to-one therapy. Individuals wishing to pursue certification must also have access to working with the relevant clinical populations with complex, enduring psychological difficulties for more than one year.
Currently, training and regulatory bodies approved in the UK by the ISST as automatically meeting licensing/psychotherapeutic eligibility criteria are the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the case of psychologists. In order to automatically meet this eligibility criteria, non-psychologist applicants must be fully accredited with the BABCP or BACP. Psychotherapists and Counsellors who are under the aegis of SCoPEd (column B & C) are eligible based on whether they are trained in psychotherapeutic models which meet certain criteria required by ISST (for more details see UK Eligibility Criteria link below). In order to automatically meet this eligibility criteria, psychologist applicants must be registrant practitioner psychologists (clinical, counselling or forensic) on the HCPC Register. Both non-psychologist and psychologist applicants must meet these criteria before embarking upon a schema therapy certification programme. There are limited exceptions to this eligibility requirement, and other routes to eligibility are laid out in the link below.
Approved training/regulating bodies, other routes and specific requirements leading to eligibility to begin UK, ISST- approved schema therapy certification programmes can be found in more detail below, including criteria for international applications for UK training.
Participating in the all 3 modules forms the prequisite acedemic basis for pursuing certification at both the Standard and Advanced Level.
If you are seeking to undertake ISST Certification but you are not practicing in the UK, please follow this link to the International Criteria.
To Certify or not certify?
There are 2 levels of ISST recognised certification
Standard International Certification: Therapists at this level are certified to practice Schema Therapy, participate in outcome studies, and to train or supervise other therapists at a basic level only.They are not qualified to run a training program, rate sessions, or offer supervision on difficult cases.
Advance International Certification: Therapists at this level are certified to treat all patients, participate in outcome studies, and to supervise, train and rate others, and, upon attaining Supervision and Trainer certification, to run Schema Therapy training programs.
Certification Webinar
Following the Schema Therapy Workshops we offer a free webinar to go through the process of certification including eligibility, application and the process of assessments and submission.
Benefits of ISST Certification?
There are a number of benefits for applicants wishing to pursue certification by the International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST). Certified Schema Therapists are distinguished from none-certified members for their recognised competence in treating clients/ patients, and their eligibility to participate in Schema Therapy research projects.
Being awarded Standard or Advanced certification as a Schema Therapist by the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) demonstrates to the public a level of expertise and competence in the practice of Schema Therapy for individuals (adults).
Introduce yourself as a Standard or Advanced Certified Schema Therapist to patients, in professional and academic settings, brochures and marketing materials.
Allows those awarded Advanced Certification the ability to participate in Schema Therapy research projects.
Allows those awarded Advanced level certification (following established guidelines of ISST), to offer workshops and provide supervision in Schema Therapy for adults of all presentations and complexity
Inclusion in the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) “Find a Therapist” website listing (as a Full Member of ISST) to help market yourself as a Certified Schema Therapist (Standard or Advanced level)
Connect with a community of Certified Schema Therapists from around the world
You will be included in the ISST referral network (as long as annual ISST dues are paid in full and continuing education requirements are satisfied) and may receive requests/referrals from patients, therapists, researchers or institutions.
You can formally develop and deliver a ST training course a minimum of 3 years following successful completion of the Advanced Certification provided the training course you offer fulfils the ISST approved criteria/curriculum. You will also have to attend supervisor-trainer accreditation training/webinars
Watch Dr Rob Brockman and Dr Chris Hayes having a light hearted discussion on the benefits of Schema Therapy Certification