Schema Therapy Systems
Schema Therapy Training Programme
Module 2: Schema Therapy: Treatment Techniques, Cognitive, Experiential & Behavioural Interventions (2 Days)

This workshop will enable those who attend to develop a sound understanding of, and ability to apply, the key interventions used in the treatment/change phase of Schema Therapy. Following this workshop, participants will be able to use these interventions in their clinical work. The two days will focus on key cognitive, experiential and behavioural change strategies and how and when to apply them in order to help the client overcome their schema driven patterns.
Throughout the workshop an emphasis will be placed on skills practice, with opportunity to observe Advanced Schema Therapists demonstrating the core interventions and participants provided with supervised role-play practice to develop and refine their clinical skills. Live demonstrations and video footage of expert Schema Therapists will be used to assist with participants learning. This workshop provides a strong foundation for participants to develop the key interventions and techniques used in Schema Therapy. This module is suitable for practitioners with experience of working with complex psychological cases who wish to enhance their clinical intervention skills. Candidates can attend this module as a stand- alone module, however we would advise that they have undertaken prior reading on Schema Therapy to fully benefit from the two days (see our recommended reading list on our website). Candidates undertaking the Certified route will be required to have attended Module 1 (Theory, Conceptualisation and Relationship) prior to attending Module 2.
Outline of Module 2
Schema Therapy Techniques
Cognitive: - Diaries - Flashcards - Continuums - Positive Logbook - Historical Testing
Experiential Techniques I: (Imagery work) Imagery and Imagery re-scripting Linking Schemas/Modes with early childhood experiences Limited Re-Parenting with Child Modes (Vulnerable & Angry Modes)
Experiential Techniques II ST Dialogues with Schemas & Modes- Chair work
Empathic Confrontation & Limit Setting for Maladaptive Coping Modes
Confronting and limit setting for Critic Modes
Homework assignments and Behaviour Change Strategies
Behavioral pattern breaking strategies: Role plays
Homework assignments
Skills training Building Healthy Adult Mode